Friday, October 27, 2006

Sigh, "Mustang (Java SE 6) Gallops into Town"

So - I've just about got all my ducks in line with moving things to Java 5.0 (Tiger) - including the required dependancies (Tomcay 5.5 etc) and then this happens...Mustang (Java SE 6) Gallops into Town.

Yeah, I know it's been coming for along time - we even know the next release is code-named "Dolphin" - but it still makes me tired to think of going through all this stuff again.


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The Joel on Software Discussion Group - Why I Hate Frameworks

The Joel on Software Discussion Group - Why I Hate Frameworks

It's Back! I had one of these in the 70s'...

... only I had the "chopper" stunt bike(pictured) which came out after this original one. Or maybe at the same time, it was a long time ago.

Evel Knievel stunt bike set

Oh the hours my friend Jeb and I spent playing with these.

I found that running the chopper bike into the wall at full tilt made it do a sommersalt. Right up to the point where the front forks snapped off and I had a broken toy.

Wonder if they'll bring back Ricochet Racers!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Article (Joel on Software)

This is a good point.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

All Hail Zog the List Fairy!

All Hail Zog the List Fairy!

A short story about how The Horse of Frantic Coding got hold of a popup he couldn't reach and a List Fairy who saved the day...

The Horse of Frantic Coding says:
... but the login screen in on my right hand screen.

The Horse of Frantic Coding says:
Which I can't get at from here...

The Horse of Frantic Coding says:
... so I am frozen

List Fairy says:
that;s not true you can get there

List Fairy says:
I know the secret way

List Fairy says:
I have to do it all the time with MA when I'm at home

List Fairy says:
first use alt tab to select the login window

The Horse of Frantic Coding says:
I want to kill myself

List Fairy says:
then use alt+space bar and select move by pressing m

List Fairy says:
then use the left arrow a couple of times and an outline of the box starts to appear on you screen then you can select it with your mouse

And the Horse of Frantic Coding lived happily ever after - at least until the next bug was found.

Cast :
Horse of Frantic Coding : Chris Ward
List Fairy : Zoe "Rxtra Extra Math" Negus

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Food of the Gods

This sorry looking specimen was awarded to us as a sweetener when our 5 STAR hotel room was too bad to stay in. I same room, I mean "suite". We were upgraded to the suite because they offered a special weekend rate.

We moved to the suite next door, which had it's own set of problems.

We also checked out after the first night and came home.

We didn't eat any of the fruit.