We needed to identify a bunch of suitable covers to learn for the party - where we've been told to "play what we like".
My idea of "suitable" being
- popular enough to be recognised by the majority of people, regardless of age
- musically simple to learn since we're up against it time-wise
- at least one of us should be able to make a good fist of singing them ALL THE WAY THROUGH. Think of the pale young things trying to sing the high bit on "Angels" on Pop Idol and you'll get the idea. It;s no fun for anyone when you run into a bit you can't reach.
Anyway - it all went very well indeed. We've now got a list of about ten songs to try to get together in the few weeks we have. Interestingly, we can cover the vocals between us with different members singing lead on different songs.
I need to get some new bass strings to replace the current antiques that have been on since before I played my last gig about four years ago.
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