Friday, February 02, 2007

More Set List Casualties

"So who's playing the bass on this one then?"

Out : Wonderwall (Oasis)
Out : One (U2)

I suggested that we cut Wonderwall from our set last night.

There were many reasons for this
  • Only I know it - therefore it seems a bit selfish to force everyone else to learn it
  • It means we have to swap around on instruments
  • I might well sound like a strangled cat on the night - I need to get the old confidence level up for the singing.
  • I would have to additionally take my guitar and small amp
  • The small amp isn't up to the task with the fully loaded volumes
  • We sound our best on more jaunty numbers

The list goes on but I think it's the best thing

I reckon we can learn 2 "pub band" songs in the same time it would take to learn Wonderwall to even a passable standard.

So that's lightened the load for me going forwards AND it means I can concentrate on being the bass player - which I really enjoy.

I don't think we're going to learn "One" either for the initial gig - the return would not justify it really. We need to be tooled up with party songs.

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