Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Why rich clients rule and always will

Why rich clients rule and always will by ZDNet's George Ou -- The only cost saver would be the local storage device (the hard drive) which would only shave off $40 off the system and severely cripple the dumb terminal by making it completely reliant on the network and server infrastructure which by the way doesn't come cheap. The slowest modern desktop hard drive on the planet can easily sustain over 300 mbps which is probably better than most Internet data center connections.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

(Swing) How to...

Go here for tutorials on how to use the various features of Swing.

A Visual Guide to Layout Managers

This is the document in the Java Tutorial that deals with LayoutMangers.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Article : How Microsoft Lost the API War : Joel Spolsky

This article covers a lot of points I've been thinking about recently, especially since I'm just getting started on using AJAX methods.

The writer, Joel Spolsky, is a recognised force in user interface design - which is my own background (pre-web) - andI feel that makes it all the more interesting for me.