Monday, March 05, 2007

New Papersnakes website/blog

For information about Papersnakes, please go here.

Wiow - nothing new in about 26 years...

Bath Road swimming pool, Luton.
I can't see anything has changed in this place since I was last here at least 26 years ago - probably more. I spent a lot of my childhood in these changing rooms. From the look of the place, if I'd left a pair of socks there when I was 10 they'd still be sitting there now. This was a strange experience.
I asked the woman behind the (original) ticket office window if they still had the outdoor pools. Apparrently the land on which the outdoor pool was constructed was marsh land and the pool was moulded asbestos standing on concrete pillars driven into the marsh. Seems that the pool sank and the pillars poked through the asbestos. Nice. There was a lot of this sort of thing in the late 70s early 80s of course.
Anyway - the indoor pools have not altered at all. The diving boards are still all there - all of them. It tried to explain why this was so interesting to Myles but he didn't seem to care. He also didn't seem to like the pool.